Friday, January 28, 2011

Jon Gold, Civil Disobedience at the White House for 9/11 Justice ‎

‎9/11 Justice activist and researcher Jon Gold has announced his intention to chain himself to the White House fence this coming Monday, January 31. 9/11 Truth News asked Gold a few questions to find out more about the upcoming action.

  • Sandy Baldock
    I'm a bit concerned about this. I'm behind this message 10000%, but this type of behavior gives us all that "crazy" bad name. I'm not sure if this is a good idea....
    If there is any MSM coverage, it will be "nut job 9/11 truther does nut job thing" blah blah blah - talking head laughing after the video bite..
    I understand his frustration, just don't necessirarily agree with his methods.
    I do wish him the best of luck.

    5 hours ago ·

  • Petr Buben a brave gentleman, an American Hero. what exactly is Jon, one of 911Truth main activists, calling for? an independent investigation perhaps? .... if i remember well, Jon has some reservations to the fact that 911 is, and has been proven so, to be a controlled demolition ..... ...
    20 minutes ago ·

  • Petr Buben ‎@Sandy .. know what you saying, but in the end i see it as very positive, if Jon will get this in the news ... see people are not that stupid as official propaganda thinks ... this will be a benefit to the cause of 911Truth ..... we read here that Honorable Mr Lance wanted to do similar pow wow happening at the white house ..... see to tell the ruling elite - look, you are criminal, or involved in a criminal cover up, that is not so easy or a light matter .. not for the whole world

911Truth controlled demolition inside operation. now what. a world revolution? a world war? Second American Revolution? or all of the above.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

911 controlled demolition inside operation irrefutable scientific evidence midair pulverization

911 is all staged. it is a mix of let it happen and make it happen. ..why all this? because it is a controlled demolition, as also proven by scientists,, therefore an inside job. ..

the hijackings were either coached, induced by Cia from a groups of Saudis. It even may have been as i suspect in London is - a group of people was told: look, we are doing an attack simulation, exercises .. please, pretend you are real terrorists for us. ...

New York attacks were all managed. why? because somebody set high tech charges throughout WTC. because steel skyscrapers evaporated pulverized midair.

also very complex issue will be who knew what and when? it is perfectly possible that top officials- never elected pres bush, knew "we need a war pretext, so, let them do attack, but no casualties" ... "we will let them do it, then we'l stop them if necessary" - says military/cia, maybe ... very few people knew how far this was to be taken - that explosive charges for spectacular wtc were set ... so, "we failed" - highest officials ..

but all this is JUST UNSPEAKABLE. nobody can even touch it. many Arabs will never understand they were just patsies, and many more might have been as well. ... when was the last time mr bush actually knew something? ....911 controlled demolition is a terribly divisive issue.

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Volkswagen to unveil 261 mpg 0.9 l/100 km XL1 prototype in Qatar

Volkswagen to unveil 261 mpg XL1 prototype in Qatar

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The iPhone as VISA card - Apple 2.0 - Fortune Tech

The iPhone as VISA card - Apple 2.0 - Fortune Tech: "$6.2 trillion Americans spend each year on goods and servic"

Pay with the smartphone, not credit card. $6.2 trillion Americans spend each year on goods and services. (180 bilionu Korun). If Apple can succeed in iPhones and iPads using NFC - allowing exchange of data and money, it would make Apple the biggest company in the world.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011 D. Chandler, J. Cole. 911 is a controlled demolition inside operation, per irrefutable scientific evidence and per common sense. Sudden explosion symmetric collapse midair pulverization. Steel frame buildings cannot collapse due to office fires started by kerosene and airplane strike. Ocelove mrakodrapy nemohou spadnout z duvodu kancelarskych pozaru zacatych kerosinem po narazu letadla. 911 11. zari je provokace, tajna operace rozvedky a armady Usa. D. Chandler, J. Cole. 911 is a controlled demolition inside operation, per irrefutable scientific evidence and per common sense.

Sudden explosion symmetric collapse midair pulverization.

Steel frame buildings cannot collapse due to office fires started by kerosene and airplane strike.

Ocelove mrakodrapy nemohou spadnout z duvodu kancelarskych pozaru zacatych kerosinem po narazu letadla.

911 11. zari je provokace, tajna operace rozvedky a armady Usa.
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